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# Artiest Titel Duur Vraag aan
18401 The 'Hosanna' Choir of Dundas o.l.v. Herman den Hollander 'He had no stately form, He had no majesty, that we shouold be drawn to Him' 00:03:55 Request
18402 The 'Hosanna' Choir of Dundas o.l.v. Herman den Hollander 'hear the voice of love and mercy sounding forth from Calvary' / 'It is finished, it is finished' 00:03:46 Request
18403 The 'Hosanna' Choir of Dundas o.l.v. Herman den Hollander 'Heaven is a glorious place, where we sing our Maker's praise' 00:03:24 Request
18404 The 'Hosanna' Choir of Dundas o.l.v. Herman den Hollander 'How blest is he, whose trespass hath freely been forgiv'n (Psalter 83) 00:04:22 Request
18405 The 'Hosanna' Choir of Dundas o.l.v. Herman den Hollander 'How deep the Father's love for us; How vast beyond all measure' (Opwekking 509) 00:04:37 Request
18406 The 'Hosanna' Choir of Dundas o.l.v. Herman den Hollander 'I need Thee every hour, most gracious Lord' / 'I need Thee, o I need Thee every hour, I need Thee' 00:03:19 Request
18407 The 'Hosanna' Choir of Dundas o.l.v. Herman den Hollander 'If My people, which are called by My name, shall humble themselves and pray' 00:03:54 Request
18408 The 'Hosanna' Choir of Dundas o.l.v. Herman den Hollander 'If My people, which are called by My name' 00:03:57 Request
18409 The 'Hosanna' Choir of Dundas o.l.v. Herman den Hollander 'In the good ship of our captain, we are sailing o 'er life's sea' / 'Thought angry clouds sweep fast and wild' 00:04:18 Request
18410 The 'Hosanna' Choir of Dundas o.l.v. Herman den Hollander 'In the good ship of our captain, we are sailing o 'er life's sea' / 'Thought angry clouds sweep fast and wild' 00:04:18 Request
18411 The 'Hosanna' Choir of Dundas o.l.v. Herman den Hollander 'It is good to sing Your praises and to thank You, o most High' (Psalter 251) 00:03:40 Request
18412 The 'Hosanna' Choir of Dundas o.l.v. Herman den Hollander 'Jehovah reigns; let earth be glad and all the isles their joy make known' (Psalter 260) 00:04:30 Request
18413 The 'Hosanna' Choir of Dundas o.l.v. Herman den Hollander 'Jehovah reigns; let earth be glad and all the isles their joy make known' (Psalter 260) 00:04:30 Request
18414 The 'Hosanna' Choir of Dundas o.l.v. Herman den Hollander 'Jesus, keep me near the cross, there is a precious fountain' / 'In the cross, in the cross, be my glory ever' 00:05:24 Request
18415 The 'Hosanna' Choir of Dundas o.l.v. Herman den Hollander 'Lead me, Lord, lead me in Thy righteouseness, make Thy way plain before my face' 00:03:36 Request
18416 The 'Hosanna' Choir of Dundas o.l.v. Herman den Hollander 'Let ervything that hath breath, praise the Lord' 00:04:23 Request
18417 The 'Hosanna' Choir of Dundas o.l.v. Herman den Hollander 'Lord, hear the right, regard my cry my prayer from lips sincere' (Psalter 31) 00:04:11 Request
18418 The 'Hosanna' Choir of Dundas o.l.v. Herman den Hollander 'Lord, our Lord, Thy glorious Name, all Thy wondrous works proclaim' (Psalter 15) 00:03:10 Request
18419 The 'Hosanna' Choir of Dundas o.l.v. Herman den Hollander 'Lord, Thou hast greatly blessed our land; Thou hast brought back our captive band' (Psalter 230) 00:03:58 Request
18420 The 'Hosanna' Choir of Dundas o.l.v. Herman den Hollander 'Lord, Thou hast greatly blessed our land; Thou hast brought back our captive band' (Psalter 230) 00:03:58 Request
18421 The 'Hosanna' Choir of Dundas o.l.v. Herman den Hollander 'Lord, to me Thy ways make known, Guide in truth and teach Thou me' (Psalter 67) 00:03:18 Request
18422 The 'Hosanna' Choir of Dundas o.l.v. Herman den Hollander 'Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands; Serve the Lord, the Lord with gladness' (Psalm 100) 00:03:48 Request
18423 The 'Hosanna' Choir of Dundas o.l.v. Herman den Hollander 'Make haste, o my God, to deliver, I pray, o Lord, to my rescue make haste' (Psalter 188) 00:05:54 Request
18424 The 'Hosanna' Choir of Dundas o.l.v. Herman den Hollander 'Make haste, O my God, to deliver, I pray, o Lord, to my rescue make haste' (Psalter 188) 00:05:53 Request
18425 The 'Hosanna' Choir of Dundas o.l.v. Herman den Hollander 'My hope is built on nothing less, than Jesus' blood and righteousness' / 'On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand' 00:03:07 Request