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# Artiest Titel Duur Vraag aan
18426 The 'Hosanna' Choir of Dundas o.l.v. Herman den Hollander 'Now blessed be the Mighty One, Jehovah, God of Israel' (Psalter 199) 00:02:05 Request
18427 The 'Hosanna' Choir of Dundas o.l.v. Herman den Hollander 'Now blessed be the Mighty One, Jehovah, God of Israel' (Psalter 199) 00:02:05 Request
18428 The 'Hosanna' Choir of Dundas o.l.v. Herman den Hollander 'Now Israel may say, and that in truth, if that the Lord had not our right maintained' (Psalter 353) 00:04:12 Request
18429 The 'Hosanna' Choir of Dundas o.l.v. Herman den Hollander 'Now Israel may say, and that in truth, if that the Lord had not our right maintained' (Psalter 353) 00:04:12 Request
18430 The 'Hosanna' Choir of Dundas o.l.v. Herman den Hollander 'O come, my soul, bless thou the Lord thy Maker' / 'Bless Him, ye angels, wondrous in might' (Psalter 283) 00:04:57 Request
18431 The 'Hosanna' Choir of Dundas o.l.v. Herman den Hollander 'O God, we have heard and our fathers have told, what wonders Thou didst in the great days of old' (Psalter 121) 00:04:14 Request
18432 The 'Hosanna' Choir of Dundas o.l.v. Herman den Hollander 'O Lord, by Thee delivered, I Thee with songs extol' (Psalter 77) 00:04:21 Request
18433 The 'Hosanna' Choir of Dundas o.l.v. Herman den Hollander 'O Lord, my God, most earnestly, my heart would seek Thy face' (Psalter 163) 00:03:55 Request
18434 The 'Hosanna' Choir of Dundas o.l.v. Herman den Hollander 'O praise ye the Lord and sing a new song; Amid all His saints His praises prolong' (Psalter 407) 00:03:04 Request
18435 The 'Hosanna' Choir of Dundas o.l.v. Herman den Hollander 'On a hill far away stood an old rugged cross' / 'So I’ll cherish the old rugged cross' 00:05:30 Request
18436 The 'Hosanna' Choir of Dundas o.l.v. Herman den Hollander 'On that great and glorious morning, when God's shouting trumpet's sing' / 'On that great and glorious morning' 00:03:56 Request
18437 The 'Hosanna' Choir of Dundas o.l.v. Herman den Hollander 'On the good and faithful, God has set His love; When they call, He sends them blessings from above' (Psalter 8) 00:02:38 Request
18438 The 'Hosanna' Choir of Dundas o.l.v. Herman den Hollander 'On the good and faithful, God has set His love; When they call, He sends them blessings from above' (Psalter 8) 00:02:38 Request
18439 The 'Hosanna' Choir of Dundas o.l.v. Herman den Hollander 'Our day of joy is here again with love and peace and song' / 'Glory to our God, we sing; Glory to our Lord and King' 00:03:27 Request
18440 The 'Hosanna' Choir of Dundas o.l.v. Herman den Hollander 'Praise the Lord, Who reigns forever; O my soul, bring Him your praise' (Psalm 146) 00:03:31 Request
18441 The 'Hosanna' Choir of Dundas o.l.v. Herman den Hollander 'Praise to the Lord, God, Almighty, King of all creation' / 'Declare your praise to God, omnipotent' 00:02:38 Request
18442 The 'Hosanna' Choir of Dundas o.l.v. Herman den Hollander 'Praise ye the Lord, for it is good to sing unto our God' (Psalter 403) 00:03:54 Request
18443 The 'Hosanna' Choir of Dundas o.l.v. Herman den Hollander 'Praise ye the Lord, for it is good to sing unto our God' (Psalter 403) 00:03:54 Request
18444 The 'Hosanna' Choir of Dundas o.l.v. Herman den Hollander 'Rejoice in the Lord always and again I say: Rejoice be careful for nothing' 00:04:27 Request
18445 The 'Hosanna' Choir of Dundas o.l.v. Herman den Hollander 'Rejoice, the Lord is King! Your Lord and King adore! Rejoice, give thanks and triumph evermore' 00:03:41 Request
18446 The 'Hosanna' Choir of Dundas o.l.v. Herman den Hollander 'Rock of ages, cleft for me, let me hide myself in Thee' 00:04:11 Request
18447 The 'Hosanna' Choir of Dundas o.l.v. Herman den Hollander 'Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness' 00:02:58 Request
18448 The 'Hosanna' Choir of Dundas o.l.v. Herman den Hollander 'Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness' 00:02:17 Request
18449 The 'Hosanna' Choir of Dundas o.l.v. Herman den Hollander 'Sing, sing to the King, the Lord of all creation' 00:03:07 Request
18450 The 'Hosanna' Choir of Dundas o.l.v. Herman den Hollander 'Sound The Trumpet, Praise Him! Praise Him, praise the Lord, Almighty' / 'Alleluia, praise Him, praise Him' 00:02:24 Request